Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jobs, What Jobs?

Ever been unemployed in Louisiana? Scary place to be, and I'm in that exact place right now. Am I scared? No. There isn't much I fear, however, I'll give your a scary tidbit. I was watching the news the other night and apparently Louisiana is 49th in rank for states with upward mobility. 49th? I knew we were pretty bad, but how can a state be bad at everything? And then I realized, its all connected. No upward mobility, recent college grads are leaving to find work and actually get paid their worth, and supposedly...there are jobs? 

This doesn't even fit into the grand scheme of outgoing statistical data relative to this state, but elected officials insists (almost every year) "we've created jobs", "we're working towards a better economy", "the job market in Louisiana is unfolding into a mecca of opportunity!". Okay, maybe they haven't said the last one but they might as well have. Lies would be a harsh way of describing these allegations, however, I've been in the eye of the storm and I haven't witnessed any job markets opening nor a better economy. I'm certain there are more people sitting on my side of the spectrum and the other side simply doesn't exist. Not for us hardworking-barely making middle class-tax payers. 

Here's what I have witnessed. I've witnessed that Louisiana is the home of cheap underpaid labor. They'll rather hire someone not qualified at all for a job and lacking decision making capabilities rather than hire someone who is. I'm not talking about skilled jobs that require specialized degrees or those types of professionals. I'm talking about something as simple as a file clerk. The scarcity in the job market is proven by some companies receiving over 500 applicants for one position that doesn't even require a college degree. And if you're lucky to get that job, its almost guaranteed that you'll be underpaid by comparing the salaries and earnings of that same job in different states. I find in Louisiana  (most of the time), if a job has to pay you what you're worth, they won't hire you at all. If the company is gracious, they'll tell you to your face that you're over qualified and still won't hire you. 

Then there are the large corporations who think they're so smart. They only hire part time employees to avoid paying insurance benefits and when I mean part time, I mean right at 39 hours. What cheapskates right? You can't even really get Louisiana Medicaid unless you're pregnant, they don't care that you don't have benefits on your job. If you make too much money per hour, but don't really clear the actual hours, it doesn't matter. 

I can say that we can prove our case through relocation. We can stand in solidarity and say "I won't take anymore jobs that don't treat me with the dignity and respect I deserve with the paycheck to reflect that". We can do all of those wonderful things, but the harsh truth remains that I think nothing will happen. Nothing will happen until we start voting some altruistic people in office who have interests for the greater good. The Louisiana system has been designed to keep people exactly where they are. Complacent and content. 

Oh, I almost forgot...the tourism industry. That's where all these jobs are right? Where minimum wage starts at $ 3.15 for servers, bartenders, and waitresses. That's so appealing! Let me bust my ass all day dealing with spoiled, obnoxious tourists! That's my life's' dream. Big ups to the people in the service industry who deal with idiots on the daily. Big ups to all of the people who've actually found decent "careers" in this state. 

As for me? I'm definitely moving in a few years. I can't see myself raising children in a place where they have no future. Sad but true. 

The Sexy Nerd


  1. I absolutely love your blogs Honey! Please keep them coming, I anxiously wait everyday to hear what my sexiestnerd has to say! Baby when I say deep truth, the truth that many of us need to hear. So I honor you and appreciate everything that you have to offer!
    Love You!!!
